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1a. Plant leafy, chlorophyllous, autotrophic ..... 2

1b. Plant leafless, achlorophyllous, mycoheterotrophic ..... Chamaegastrodia

2a. Hypochile with distinct, long spur ..... 3

2b. Hypochile saccate, not with long spur ..... 6

3a. Stigma 2-lobed ..... 4

3b. Stigma 1-lobed ..... 5

4a. Leaves reticulated; hypochile with peltate to carunculate appendages inside; mesochile fringed; epichile 2-lobed ..... Anoectochilus

4b. Leaves not reticulated; hypochile with stalked, pendulous gland­like appendages inside; mesochile not fringed; epichile 1-lobed ..... Vrydagzynea

5a. Lip with 2 lateral calluses on mesochile and 1 cental callus/lamella on epichile ..... Herpysma

5b. Lip without any callus or lamella ..... Erythrodes

6a. Flower resupinate ..... 7

6b. Flowers non-resupinate ..... Hetaeria

7a. Labellum with a raised median keel ..... Rhomboda

7b. Labellum without any raised median keel ..... 8

8a. Rhizome moniliform, without roots (but with rhizoids) ..... 9

8b. Rhizome terete, with roots ..... 10

9a. Sepals connate to form a sepaline tube; column with 2 stelidia; stigma 2-lobed, free ..... Cheirostylis
9b. Sepals free, not forming any sepaline tube; column without stelidia; stigma 3-lobed, connate ..... Aenhenrya
10a. Stigma stalked ..... Myrmechis
10b. Stigma not stalked ..... 11
11a. Labellum 1-lobed, epichile entire ..... Goodyera
11b. Labellum 3-lobed, epichile 2-lobed ..... 12
12a. Pollinarium with tegula; stigma lobes 2, lateral ..... Zeuxine
12b. Pollinarium without tegula; stigma lobes 2 to 1 or confluent, anticus ..... Odontochilus






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Last updated on 17.06.2021

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